The REDDOXX does not react - Connection Timed Out message

The REDDOXX does not react - Connection Timed Out message.

Please check the following factors:
* Are the network settings correct? (IP/Net mask and subnet mask)
* the REDDOXX IP address (manually connect to the appliance and compare the listed IP address)
* IP address of the workstation (ipconfig/all), also check the subnet
* Is a firewall found between the devices (LAN / DMZ)?
* Can you reach the REDDOXX via a Ping?
* Is a crossover cable used in a direct connection?
* Is the LAN indicator shining on both devices (PC / REDDOXX)?
* Does the cable in use function properly? (check with 2 separate PCs)
* Deactivate / Remove any type of VPN software
* Was the appliance activated after initial start-up?